Bread Machine Gluten-Free Sweet Challah Dough Recipe

Bread Machine Sweet Challah Dough Recipe
Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free
Make Challah, Dinner Rolls, Coffee Cake and *More…
This recipe makes sweet yeast dough 1.5 lbs of bread:
For 2 medium braided loaves of challah, but also makes
* Bread, rolls, crescents, donuts, cinnamon buns, pastries,
rugelach, garlic knots, zeppolas… (see below)
Bread machines are all quite similar. I highly recommend buying an
inexpensive one. It turns dough-making into a no-brainer. Today’s
even have gluten-free settings. You’ll eat healthier baked goods,
(chemical-free), and you can do more important things in the time it
does your work for you.
The bread machine in this instance is used to blend the ingredients
into dough to shape, and then warm until the dough rises.
3/4 cup water (85 to 105 degrees-F)
2 large eggs at room temperature
(to warm cold eggs place in hot tap water )
1/3 cup oil, (olive, avocado or coconut)
2 teaspoons honey
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup raw or any sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2-3/4 cups oat flour
1-1/2 cups tapioca starch/flour
2 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
Insert the dough paddle.
Place in warmed bread pan, in this order:
(Pre-warm the pan by filling with hot tap water and emptying)
1 – Add warm water 85 to 105 degrees-F.
oil, eggs, and honey
2 – Add salt, and sugar, and add flour.
3 – Make a well in the flour, add yeast.
Select the dough cycle. Press Start.
Feel dough at 5 minute intervals until it looks smooth,
feels slightly tacky, yet pulls from pan cleanly.
(add extra water by tsp if dough bangs or feels too dry)
Remove immediately when machine beeps.
Warm your oven by turning it on at about 170-F for almost a minute.
Shut heat and turn on oven light to keep it warm.
If desired blend in 1/2 cup chocolate chips
or dried fruit.
For Challah Braid
4 – Divide the dough in half to make two 3/4 lb challahs.
5 – Divide first half of dough into three pieces.
6 – Roll each section in your hands into a long strand.
7 – Place 3 strands on greased or parchment-lined baking sheet.
8 – Braid (criss-cross) the three strands pinching together at ends.
9 – Brush or spray shaped dough lightly with oil.
10 -Repeat with remaining 1/2 of dough, for second challah.
11 – Cover with a high cover or if you have none place a bowl
of hot water on the rack beneath it. You don’t want the wet dough
to touch the cover when it rises.Place in pre-warmed oven until risen and doesn’t spring back
when pressed.
Optional: For gloss, just before baking brush with well-beaten egg.
Optional: Sprinkle gloss with sesame or poppy seeds.
From that dough you can also make rolls, buns, Danish pastry.
The quick way is to cut the mound and shape into balls.
Place balls in a greased 9 inch cake pan (almost touching) forpull-apart rolls.
OR cut other half of dough in 8 strands. Twist into knots.
OR roll out 8 pieces to 1/4 inch thick. Sprinkle centers with
cinnamon-sugar and raisins or dried fruit. Roll up for buns.
Place swirls up on 9 inch round pan.
The fancy way (not much more effort)
Form into long strands and bend into knots.Brush with egg wash and sprinkle on seeds
or dried onion and garlic for EVERYTHING ROLLS.
Roll dough into 1/8″ thin squares, start at cornerto roll diagonally, and bend into crescent shape.
Cover dough and let rise at 75º to 85º
for 40 minutes, or until risen noticeably in size, or it doesn’tspring back if pressed. (Best to keep in pre-warmed oven with
only the oven light on for warmth). Do not let it double.
Brush on Egg wash for shine, and bake.
(1 egg + 1 tablespoon nondairy milk, beaten)
to create shine and to adhere optional sesame
or poppy seeds .
Preheat oven 325 degrees
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes
Cool on a wire rack.
* For Regular Sweet Yeast Bread
Shape into loaves, or put dough into greased loaf
or muffin pans.
* Cinnamon-raisin Buns, or Pastries (Rugelachs)Roll out dough in a rectangle.
Spread with desired filling.
Roll like a jelly roll. cut in 1″ slices.
For pastries,
Brush with egg wash, Roll in granulated sugar.
Cut into slices. And Bake.
For Buns
Lay slices on parchment, bake with open side up.
After rise of shaped dough, For Donuts or Zeppolasdrop knots or rounds in two inches of preheated oil at 375-F
Fry until brown on each side. (About 2-3 minutes per side).
Shake in a bag containing a cup powdered or granulated sugar
and optional tsp cinnamon.
For Garlic knots, Fry knots as above after second rise.
Mix 1/2 cup olive oil and a tsp minced garlic in a plastic bag,
and insert fried knots one at a time. Shake to coat.
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