Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Fillings Waffle-Bowl-Tarts

Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free Fillings
for Gluten-Free Treats and
Waffle-Bowls and Tarts
I always admired tarts and never had the time
and patience to bake tarts and then make
fillings. I was actually about to try a crustless
(self-crust) recipe in ramekins when I discovered
the waffle bowl maker on Amazon. Now I can fill
my waffle bowl tarts with whatever I dream up.
I make 2 tarts at a time and in 15 minutes I have
8 crispy gluten-free tarts ready for filling.
Below on This Page:
Vanilla Custard Pudding,
Bavarian Cream,
No Bake Chocolate Pudding,
Marshmallow Fluff,
Coconut Whipped Cream,
Tapioca Pudding,
Cherry or Berry Filling,
Pumpkin Custard Filling,
Apple Filling or Side,
Cheese Filling.
Ice Creams For Tart Fillings
Peanut better Ice cream,
Vanilla Ice Cream, and 5 more flavors
An elegant, quick and easy dessert.
Serves 4 Total time 20 minutes
1 egg separated
2 cups any dairy-free milk scalded
6 tbs. for thick cream (3 tbs. if thick sauce)
1/4 cup coconut sugar
Pinch of sea salt
1/2 tsp, vanilla or mint extract
Beat egg yolk, stir in tapioca, sugar and salt.
cook 10 to 12 minutes stirring constantly.
Remove from heat. The mixture will be thin.
Beat the egg white until stiff but not dry and
gradually stir the hot tapioca mixture into it.
Cool and add flavoring.
Chill and serve plain or garnished with whipped
cream, chocolate ganache, fruit sauce, preserves,
or mint leaves.
Or add 1 cup of crushed fresh or frozen berries,
fruit or sliced peaches to the tapioca cream.
1 Package fruit flavored kosher gelatin
2 Tbs. water
1/2 cup dairy-free scalded milk
1/2 cup Coconut sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
2 cups full fat coconut cream
2 tsp. vanilla
Refrigerate coconut cream, and chill bowl and beater
blades at least 1 hour.
Soak gelatin in cold water then dissolve in the warn milk.
add sugar and salt. Stir to dissolve. Allow to cool.
Whip coconut cream in chilled bowl until stff and fold into
gelatin mixture. Pour this into a mold and chill, or fill tart
shells or our gluten free waffle bowls. Garnish with whole
or crushed berries or stewed fruit.
No-Bake Chocolate Pudding Filling
Prep time: Cook time 10 minutes Yield: 1 9-inch pie
Use the Waffle Bowl Crust
*(No-Bake Chocolate Pudding Tarts)
You can even make this filling a standalone
with no crust. Or use the almond flour crust on
our mini-cheesecakes, or a cookie crumb crust.
You could even make this pie without the crust,
and without any topping.
A dollop of whipped cream on each slice, and a
sprinkling of cookie crumbs will still impress the
pants off your most discerning guests, and family
members! OR You can top it with a *Quick
Marshmallow Fluff (below).
No-Bake Chocolate Pudding Filling,
3 tbs. gluten free oat flour
1 tbs. tapioca starch/flour
1 tablespoon (7 g) powdered kosher gelatin (animal-free)
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons (3 fluid ounces) cool water
1/2 cup (100 g) coconut sugar
4 tablespoons (20 g) unsweetened cacao or cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
3 cups (24 fl. oz.) milk (any kind), at room temperature
3 egg yolks (75 g), at room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
5 ounces dark chocolate, chopped or chips
Optional: *whipped coconut cream topping
In a small, microwave-safe bowl, place the gelatin
and water, and mix well. Allow it to sit for a few moments
until the gelatin swells. It will be lumpy.
In a medium-sized bowl, place the flour blend, sugar,
cocoa powder and salt, and whisk to combine well.
Add 1/2 cup (4 fl. oz.) of the milk, and then the egg
yolks, whisking to combine after each addition.
Set the mixture aside.
In a medium-sized heavy-bottom saucepan, place the
remaining 2 1/2 cups (20 fl. oz.) milk and bring to a
simmer over medium-high heat. Once the milk reaches a
simmer, remove the saucepan from the heat.
Add the hot milk to the bowl with the egg and chocolate
mixture in a slow trickle, whisking constantly to combine.
The purpose of adding the hot milk slowly is by bringing the
egg yolks up to temperature slowly you avoid stiffening them.
Once all of the hot milk has been added, pour the whole
mixture back into the saucepan and return to the heat.
Cook, whisking constantly, (2 to 3 minutes) over medium-high
heat until thickened enough that the whisk leaves a visible trail
in the pudding as you whisk it.
Add the softened gelatin to the pan, and stir until the gelatin is
melted. Remove the pan from the heat, and add the vanilla
and chopped chocolate, and stir until the chocolate is melted
and the pudding is smooth.
Allow the filling to cool for about 5 minutes. Cover the
pudding with plastic wrap, placing the plastic directly
on the surface of the pudding to avoid its developing
a pudding “skin.”
Place in the refrigerator to chill until set (at least 2 hours).
*OPTIONAL: Directly Before serving,
make Dairy-Free whipped cream:
4 fluid ounces coconut cream and 2 tablespoons (14 g)
powdered sugar. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle
attachment (or a large bowl with a hand mixer), beat the full-fat
part (scooped from the liquid) of chilled Coconut cream with
powdered sugar on medium-high speed until stiff (but not dry)
peaks form.
Beating the cream on medium-high for a longer time (instead
of high speed) will make a more stable whipped cream. If you
go too far and the cream starts to look more like butter than like
whipped cream, drizzle in a bit more chilled cream, and whip it
again slowly. It should even things right out.
No Bake Chocolate Cream Pie
Is Adapted from Glutenfreeonashoestring.com Nicole Hunn
Remove the plastic wrap from the chilled chocolate pie,
spread the whipped cream on top, sprinkle with cookie
crumbs or chocolate curls or sprinkles. Slice with a wet
knife and serve immediately.
Cook time: 5 minutes: Yield About 3 cups of fluff
2 egg whites at room temperature
1-1/4 cups coconut sugar
1/2 cup (4 fluid ounces) water
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment
or a large bowl with a handheld mixer, whip the egg whites
until they form soft peaks. In a medium saucepan, place the
sugar, water, cream of tartar and salt, and whisk together.
Cook the mixture, undisturbed, over medium-high heat until
it makes a soft ball when dropped into cold water or
(240°F on an instant-read candy thermometer).
Remove the cooked sugar from the heat and allow it cool for
five minutes before pouring the cooked sugar mixture carefully
down the side of the mixer bowl, with the mixer on low speed
(making sure the sugar mixture doesn’t hit the whisk). Increase
the mixer to high speed and beat until the mixture thickens
considerably, becomes glossy, and mostly stiff peaks begin to
form (about 5 minutes).
Place the marshmallow cream in a sealed container and store
in the refrigerator up to 3 days. After about 4 days in the fridge
the sugar in the mixture will begin to crystallize.
Cook Time: 10 mins Yield: 4
3/4 cup Coconut Sugar (Or Raw sugar lighter color)
3 Tbs. Tapioca
1/4 tsp Salt
2 and 1/4 cups dairy-free Milk
1-1/2 Tbs. coconut oil
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
Add white granulated sugar, cornstarch and salt to a
saucepan and whisk them together. Add soy milk slowly
and whisk it in. Heat on medium heat and whisk constantly
while it heats. Bring to the boil and let it boil for a full minute,
whisking all the time, until it thickens.
Remove from the heat and add coconut oil and vanilla
extract and whisk in. Pour into small glasses or ramekins
and smooth down. To prevent the puddings from forming
a skin on top, you can top them with plastic wrap (optional)
so that the plastic wrap is pressed directly onto the surface
of the puddings.
Place into the fridge for 2-3 hours to set.
Serve topped with vegan whipped cream and
crushed cookies (optional).
Cherry or Blueberry Filling
14.5 oz. tart cherries or berries in juice
1/3 cup coconut sugar
1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice
pinch kosher salt
1 tablespoon tapioca starch
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
Bring all ingredients to a gentle simmer in a medium
saucepan until thickened. Cool completely.
Pumpkin Custard
or Pudding
Fills an 8″ pie crust
or 8 to 12 tarts
3 eggs
2/3 cup coconut sugar
3/4 cup coconut or soy milk
1-1/2 cups cooked drained mashed pumpkin
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ginger
dash of nutmeg and cloves
1 tbs. hot water
Beat eggs ’til light and creamy.
Stir in sugar, milk, and pumpkin. Mix spices
with hot water and stir in.
Spoon into a pastry-lined pie pan, or bake in
a glass pan or ramekins to create a cooked
custard for pudding or filling.
Bake at 450 F for first 15 minutes,
Then turn oven to 300 F and cook 45 minutes
until custard is set.
Use this to fill a cooked shell or serve as a
pumpkin pudding.
Vegan Apple Tart Filling or Side Dish
3 cups thinly sliced or shredded apples
3/4 cup coconut sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
dash of nutmeg
4 tbs. melted coconut oil
Bake in 2″ deep glass oven baking dish or ramekins.
Dot with coconut oil.
Sprinkle with a mixture of oat flour and tapioca.
(Or bake in an unbaked crust) at 400 for 30 to 40
minutes or until sufficiently thickened.
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