Easy Blender Cashew Nut Butter

Easy Blender Cashew Butter
The new alternative to Peanut Butter…
Any roasted cashews will work!
I highly recommend using unsalted raw
cashews so you can roast them and better
control the amount of salt,
but you must roast the cashews to make
cashew butter.
How To Make Easy Blender Cashew Butter
Yields: about 1 cup + 2 tablespoons
This thick and creamy nut butter is a great alternative
for peanut butter! Try Cashew Butter and Fruit spread!
Use as an alternative in recipes that call for any nut
butter, almond butter or peanut butter!
2 cups (240g) roasted cashews, lightly salted
½ tsp salt, or to taste
See How to Roast Cashews (below)
Add the roasted cashews to a high-speed blender, and blend
on low for 8-10 minutes or until creamy, scraping down the
sides with a spatula as necessary. Add the salt, and
blend for 20-30 seconds. Transfer to a jar or airtight
container, and store in the refrigerator.
Store the jar in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.
How to roast your own nuts
Roasting nuts is a step that some cooks skip,
which is unfortunate because this simple effort
can really bump a dish (or a cookie!) from good
to amazing.
Roasting nuts deepens their flavor, making them
even more nutty and complex.
It also gives them a crisper texture.
Preheat oven and spread nuts on trays. Preheat
oven to 350°F. Spread the nuts
in an even layer on the baking sheet. I often use a
cake tin for smaller amounts as
the higher sides allow me to shake the the pan to evenly distribute them.
Place pan in oven. Remove after 5 minutes and stir so that the outer nuts are moved
towards the middle and the middle nuts towards the edges. If you are using a cake
tin, you can gently shake it to redistribute the nuts.
Return to the oven.
Check for doneness again after 3 minutes. You are
looking for the color to be a
few shades darker. They should start to smell nutty and you might hear them
crackling. Return to the oven if needed and check
again after another 3 minutes.
If they need longer, give another stir.
Nuts rarely take longer than 15 minutes to roast,
usually 8 to 12 minutes.
Check and Stir. It is important to check the nuts
frequently while they roast and to stir them often.
Most ovens have hot spots, so you want to move
the nuts around for even roasting. I often focus
on moving the nuts from the edges,
which can brown sooner than the nuts in the
Roasting nuts can be a little tricky as they can
go from almost done to overdone in less than
a minute.
You are also dealing with several diverse pieces, some which
seem to be roasting faster than others. And they don’t
spend a lot of time in the oven — usually not more than 15 minutes
Dry Roasting vs Roasting with Oil: Roasting nuts with a
touch of oil is a really nice way to add flavor and
crispness. I especially like to match the nut with the oil and have
small jars of almond and walnut oil in my refrigerator for that
purpose. A neutral oil such as grapeseed oil is fine, too. .
But it’s not always appropriate to roast nuts with oil, especially
when they are being used in a baking as the oil does increase
their oiliness and can throw off the recipe. I roast nuts in oil when
I am adding them to a salad, for instance, when
they will be used as a garnish, or when I want
to serve them with an aperitif. In the
photos above, I roast the walnuts dry.
Add cashew butter to breakfast
in soy or rice milk shakes to up their protein.
content (a quarter-cup of cashews provides over 5 grams of protein) and
give them a creamy nutty taste.
Make a wonderful cashew sauce
In a saucepan over low-medium heat, mix cashew butter with some soy sauce,
a pinch of cayenne pepper, garlic, ginger and water to make a wonderful sauce
for fish, vegetables, tofu or rice.
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