Gluten-Free Crusty No-Knead Artisan Bread

No dough to knead.
Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Artisan Bread
Cook time: 45 minutes Total time 75 minutes.
Yield: 15 inch loaf. Servings 8
So delicious that I always have it on hand. Sometimes
just plain toasted (instead of crackers) is all I want.
It’s A hearty style bread with a chewy crust that
reminds me of a deli bread, like sourdough or
pumpernickel. Makes a great Panini. It tastes great
with mustard.
If you toast it and spread it with Dijon mustard, top it with
sauerkraut and mozzarella, put it in a grill pan or panini,
you’d think you ate the best Reuben sandwich,
without noticing the meat is missing!
This has become my favorite bread! I’ve always liked
a bread that has substance. I use this for grilled cheese
sandwiches and grilled meatless Reubens.
This recipe can easily be made with your favorite
unsweetened non-dairy milk.
Vegan: There is only one egg in this recipe,
so it can likely be replaced with a “flax or chia egg”
(1 tbs. ground seeds + 2 tbs. lukewarm water,
mixed and allowed to gel).
1-1/4 cups +1 tbs. oat flour
1/4 cup +1 tbs. tapioca (starch/flour)
1/2 tsp. *xanthan gum (or ground flaxseed
softened in 2 tbs. of warm water)
2 teaspoons coconut sugar
2 1/4 generous teaspoons instant yeast
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon kosher salt
sub a tablespoon of kosher salt use
½ or ¾ teaspoon of table salt
1 cup warm nondairy milk (about 95°F)
1 egg at room temperature, beaten
(or flax or chia egg above)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Grease a 1 or 1 1/2 quart (preferably larger) glass oven safe bowl
and set it aside. The dough rises quite high and should be baked
before it doubles.
If you don’t have a glass bowl, you can use a small round pan
or cast iron skillet with high sides. If using an aluminum pan that
isn’t dark in color, raise the oven temperature to 400°F.
In a large bowl, place the oat flour, tapioca, starch, xanthan
gum, sugar, yeast, and baking soda, and whisk to combine well.
Add the salt, and whisk again to combine. Create a well in the
center of the dry ingredients and add the milk, egg, and oil, and
mix vigorously. The bread dough/batter should come together
and lighten a bit in color as you mix.
Transfer the dough-batter to the prepared baking bowl, skillet, or
pan, and smooth the top with wet hands or spatula (do not compress).
Cover the dough completely with an oiled piece of plastic wrap.
Place it in a warm, moist place to rise for about 30 minutes, or until
the dough has increased to about 1 and a half of its original size. In cool,
dry weather, the dough may take longer to rise. In warm, moist weather,
it may take less time to rise.
When the dough is nearing the end of its rise, preheat your oven to
375°F. After the dough has risen, remove the plastic wrap and place
the bowl in the center of the preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes,
or until the bread is lightly golden brown all around.
Remove the bread from the oven and rotate the loaf in the bowl so it’s
upside down. Return the bread to the oven and bake until it has darkened
slightly all around, and sounds hollow when thumped on, about another
15 minutes.
The internal temperature of the bread should reach about 195°F on an
instant-read thermometer. Turn the bread onto a wire rack to cool completely.
adapted from NICOLE HUNN
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